Eco-sfera - Fill media for floating bed towers


Fill media for floating bed towers

  • Gas/liquid contact operations in floating scrubbers
  • Mobile cover to reduce: heat loss, gaseous emissions and aerosol. Metal surface treatments, open-basin processes.
  • Chemical industry and gas depuration.
  • Atmosphere-liquid separation barriers in order to reduce evaporation, steam emission, gas, odors, liquid cooling and/or icing prevention. In fish farming, water logistics, water treatment, etc.

The ECO-SFERA, fill media with floating bed for scrubbers are produced by blow molding in PHD and PP material.

Pieces Appro.
Surface Appro.
Diam.  m2
1 strato
m3 m2/m3 PP PHD
25 1.800 72.000 129 108 108
38 800 25.000 60 137,5 87
45    560 13.000 37 - 65
47 500 12.000 35 94 84
*Temperatura di esercizio
Working temperature
113 110
*Punto di fusione Melting point 150 140
*Rottura alla compressione
Compressive strenght
kg/cm2 380 380
*Assorbimento acqua
Water Absorption
% <0,02 <0,20
Resistenze chimiche
Chemical resistances
Acidi/Acids E/B E/B
Alcali/Alkali E B
Idrocarburi/Hydrocarbons B/M B/M
* Dati riferiti al materiale/Date related to materials    E=Excellent   B=Good   M=Questionable  S=Not raccomandable
PP: Polipropilene/Polypropylene PHD: Polietilene alta densità / High density polyethylene