Structured packing for percolators or lamellar packings

Structured packings for percolators or lamellar packings are materials used in many industrial processes for the separation and purification of fluids. These packing materials are made up of a series of thermoformed sheets assembled to obtain rectangular or square channels through which the fluid can flow.

Functioning of structured packing materials

The functioning of these packing materials is based on the percolation of the fluid through the channels, which maximize the available surface area for interaction between the fluid and the packing material. This increases the efficiency of separation or purification and makes them ideal for many industrial applications.

Industrial applications of structured packing materials

Structured packings for percolators or lamellar packings are used in many industrial processes for the treatment of effluents.

Materials and configurations of structured packing materials

Structured packing materials are available in plastic materials and can be shaped into different shapes and configurations to meet the specific needs of each application. In summary, structured packings for percolators or lamellar packings are an effective and versatile solution for the separation and purification of fluids in many industrial processes.